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Furrowed Brow/Frown Lines Beverly Hills, CA

Whether you are frowning, concerned or surprised, your brow helps convey your emotions. Over the years, those furrows across your forehead and in between your eyebrows can become etched in your skin. If you have frown or worry lines on your brow, you may look older than you wish. They can also create an unhappy expression when your face is at rest. At Be That Beautiful™ Plastic Surgery, we offer furrowed brow treatment to smooth away frown lines at our Beverly Hills clinic.

The first FDA-approved cosmetic treatment for frown lines was Botox® cosmetic, and it is still one of the best non-surgical options. Botox injections use a neurotoxin that blocks nerve signals to the targeted muscles that cause frown and worry lines on the forehead. A series of injections on the brow can smooth away the “11s” between the eyebrows or the horizontal worry lines across the brow. Furrowed brow treatment with Botox can be performed in about 15 minutes with results that can last 3-4 months.

Get Rid of Deep Frown Lines

Botox injections are wonderful for glabella lines and brow furrows, especially when they first appear. If you have deeper furrows on your brow, you may benefit from dermal filler injections. Hyaluronic acid fillers can plump under the skin to lift and smooth deeper furrows. The treatment only requires a short office visit, and there is no downtime after the facial filler injections are complete. Results are usually immediate and dermal fillers can last several months or longer before they need to be repeated.

Both Botox and facial filler injections can be beneficial for furrowed brow treatment. Neither requires downtime, and they are very safe and effective. Other treatments we offer at Be That Beautiful™ Plastic Surgery to improve the skin appearance on the brow, face and neck include laser resurfacing, chemical peels and skin tightening.

If you have worry or frown lines on your forehead, Be That Beautiful™ Plastic Surgery offers non-surgical furrowed brow treatments. Contact us at our facility in Los Angeles, CA, to schedule your treatment or cosmetic consultation.

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