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Ear Trauma Beverly Hills, CA

The ears are in a precarious position on the sides of the head. Injuries to the ears are common during sports, vehicle wrecks, falls and other accidents. The outer ears are vulnerable to injury – they are mostly cartilage and fatty tissue that can be easily torn and damaged. Dr. Chaudhry at Be That Beautiful™ Plastic Surgery offers ear trauma plastic surgery and ear reconstruction at our facility in Los Angeles, CA.

Ear trauma can have devastating consequences to both the aesthetics and function of the ears. Even if hearing is not damaged, the outer ear is important for facial balance and needed for multiple devices. If one or more ear is deformed from injury, it can impact wearing glasses, masks, hearing aids and jewelry. Ear trauma plastic and reconstructive surgery can restore the structure of the ear for improved aesthetic form and functional properties.

Ear Injury Reconstruction

Burns, lacerations and other trauma to the ear may require reconstructive plastic surgery. Dr. Obaid Chaudhry is an experienced ear reconstruction surgeon with extensive expertise in restoring ear structure. Ear trauma repair and reconstruction surgery is one of the most complex types of plastic surgery. Dr. Chaudhry utilizes advanced methods of cartilage, fat and skin grafting to restore the shape and function of severely damaged ears. These procedures are very complicated, but Dr. Chaudhry has obtained beautiful, natural-looking results for his reconstruction plastic surgery patients.

Ear reconstruction surgery can improve both the appearance and quality of life for those with traumatic ear injuries. Dr. Obaid Chaudhry is one of the top plastic and reconstructive surgeons in the Los Angeles area, fellowship trained under some of the best plastic surgeons in the world. If you or a loved one have suffered ear trauma or damage, Dr. Chaudhry is an excellent choice for performing your ear reconstruction.

To learn more about ear trauma plastic surgery, contact our team at Be That Beautiful™ Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA, to schedule an ear reconstruction consultation with Dr. Chaudhry to discuss surgery options.

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